Jesus came and defeated the enemy and changed the rules. We also have to remember that the OT is history and in cultural context more than likely allegorical storytelling who believed the earth is flat. 🤷🏻‍♀️ We can certainly adapt and apply lessons to our lives from these stories ... but Jesus is the Word of God and Holy Spirit is the breath of God. We can read Scripture but it is the Holy Spirit the breathes lives into it for our own lives if we pay attention! I love this topic - look forward to reading more!

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I think you are too fixated on Jesus' love and are ignoring the rest of the bible. God is also a God of judgement and you seem to reject anything that doesn't show love. This is very dangerous, and there is a warning in scripture about altering it in any way from that written, and teaching others to do the same. "It would be better if a millstone were put around their neck and that they were drowned in the deepest ocean" is the passage, but I can't remember the book or verse. Be careful not to alter scripture to agree with your own personal ideas or view of God. Just accept the text!

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Thanks for the article.

However, the point that Moses asked to molest girls in Deuteronomy 21: 10-14 and Numbers 31:15 is wrong. I just read the passages. It's the exact opposite. He asked them to treat the girls well before marrying them.

Kindly review and correct please.

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Hi Rachel, I believe that since Paul said to Timothy in Timothy 3:16 that all scripture is God breathed, we need to believe that. Remember this is in the new testament. Jesus himself referenced the old testament from time to time in His teachings. So if we are going to just toss scripture aside with the believe that it is fallacy then we are saying Jesus Himself was confused.

Fine, let's say the old testament was written by people who were influenced by their environments, what then about the visions John received at Patmos which are in the book if Revelations. Does it mean the wrath we are told will fall upon all the earth over sinners will not be from God as according to the visions John received?

So then tell me about the plaques in Egypt. We're those from Satan because we know he is the one who kills, steals and destroys. Remember Satan cannot fight himself. Jesus himself says a kingdom divided cannot stand.

For the Israelites to occupy the land of Canaan they had to uproot and tear down the heathen nations that occupied that land. This was an instruction from God. How else were they to occupy that land if the indigenous people were still there.

Remember the sin of Israel is that they did not destroy all the inhabitants of Canaan (which were of the serpent's bloodline) as per God's instructions to them, thus as they settled themselves amongst them they also adopted their way of life, defiling themselves with worshipping idols. So in essence, Yes God can kill and destroy those who are of the serpent's bloodline.

Let's not put God in a box!!!

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