I have learnt to love all the different seasons and what they encompass.

I was sitting having lunch with my husband during a storm last week .. And what did we see..a beautiful rainbow 🌈 ❤️

A beautiful reminder to me that He is with me/us in the storms 🙏

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I love rainbows! Yes I am learning to embrace even the wind and rain - it reminds me of Jesus sleeping in the back of the boat in the storm and I feel it's an invitation to just lie down.

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It is amazing we allow our perspective to be based on what we can see and feel rather than on what we know. In my part of the world, we have been under a heat advisory for the past couple of weeks (37 or 38 celsius) . We did have a brief 5 minute shower yesterday so your rain picture is a refreshing look. I am trying to be like Paul and be content whatever the circumstances (Phil 4:11). I thank God every day for the ability to see the birds out my window and be reminded of how much He cares for me.

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Thanks Carol for sharing. Yes this week the news has been crazy with images from the UK with their big heat wave and I am glad that I walked this morning with a beanie and gloves on enjoying the 5 degrees C (41F) winter sun.

I am beginning to realise that it's ok to have perspectives based on what we see and feel as we have been made in the image of God who also has feelings. I have led my relationship with Papa too much with my mind only and am just realising the depth of his love that can also be enjoyed and lived in my feelings.

That's an interesting statement by Paul and in the past I have taken that to mean a state where everything in me is stable - no highs or lows in my emotions - a flat line of reactions to circumstances etc. But I am realising that perspective isn't right - but rather the image of Jesus sleeping in the boat during a terrifying storm - there's an invitation for me to lay down as well and sleep in full confidence that Papa God loves me. Such peace. Such contentment no matter the issues. Thanks for the reminder and thought provoking sharing!

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