
What current season are you in? How can you see God in it?

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Wow Rachel . almost everything in this soul feast letter resounded with me ! Esp the releasing of that which holds my soul captive . We have by Gods divine favour been blessed with a bond approval on a new home and my head has been filled with doubt with regards to whether we have made the right choice etc . esp at our age as we are both in our fifties .. but GOD has directed our paths so we will just embrace this season that we are in and give HIM ALL the glory . I too was always fascinated with Autumn as I watch the beautiful green leaves fall , leaving bare trees . but I look at all of it so differently now ...Its a necessary process to make way for all things brand new . Thank you and God bless you and your family always and forever Gail x

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Hey Gail - thanks for the feedback. Thanks for sharing about your new home! Yes! I am now looking at this season differently - I think before I was dreading the lead into winter - which is what autumn is where I live as we don't have 4 distinct seasons - more like 2. And winter here is windy and rainy (soon I will need to relearn how to embrace winter!) but a winter and an autumn season is needed in our lives - a restoring, renewing, relearning time.

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